Does the camera REALLY add 10 pounds?

May 20, 2008 at 7:59 am | Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Short answer: NO!

I get this question a lot… mostly from women who I am trying to interview. Many are already insecure about their weight, and the thought of this evil piece of equipment called a camera, making them look heavier often keeps them from doing the interview.

Here’s how I ease their minds (and mine)… IF the camera really added ten pounds, no woman in her right mind would be in this business! None of us want to look bigger than we are, and we would most certainly not choose a profession that packs on imaginary pounds.

There are actually some photography “tricks” that can make you look slimmer… stand at an angle, shoot the subject from the waist up, even lighting can hide a multitude of sins.

So if I ever approach you out on the street and ask for an interview, you will now have to come up with a different excuse not to talk to me.


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  1. Silly question…are you single? Not that I would ask you out on a blog! I watch channel 5 every morning before work and was getting tired of all the Tammy love…you deserve some! Very pretty and informative.

    25 in Fort Worth.

  2. Um, I would melt if you approached me on the street.
    and I think ‘DB’…I mean ‘GB’ above did ask you out on a blog. How original.

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